Success begins with education
Customised learning support for grades R to 12
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Access more ways to learn with a variety of multi-sensory online lessons, interactive assessments and practise mock exams
Learn at your own pace, ensuring optimal engagement
Access the right content, at the right time, at the right level of difficulty ensuring mastery
Understand and remember detailed concepts quickly and effectively
Choose your own learning pace when using the MyTopDog e-school library.
The learning content has been designed to supplement and support, all major subjects in the public and private school curricula (CAPS, NSC & IEB) - taking students on a personalised journey to academic mastery.
No two students are the same. That's why no two students will see the same course material, because we modify it in real time, depending on how you perform and your individual learning style.
MyTopDog e-school analyses and assesses each learner's strengths and weaknesses and then recommends learning content for the learner to focus on. All this is accessible on computers, tablets and mobile phones with an internet connection. Private tutors are available on the platform to provide support for every learner.
Every student has the potential to perform well in an environment that intelligently adapts to their unique learning needs. Using cognitive psychology, learning theory and neuroscience MyTopDog e-school has proven to enhance retention and understanding with personalised interactive, multi-sensory content.
From grades R to 12
From grades R to 12
From grades 10 to 12
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